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  • Writer's picturePatricia Kraisman

3 Interior Design Resolutions for the New Year

Updated: Mar 3

Every year we vow to lose weight, be more social, read more books, but what about our homes? Your house is your sanctuary, your castle. It should bring out the best in your and set you up for success.

Here are three interior design tips to help re-design your New Year:

1. Clear the Clutter

Clearing your house of clutter is one of the best and least expensive ways to purge the stress in your life. All of us – in different degrees – are guilty of hoarding, especially after the holidays. With our hoarding, it becomes harder to find the things that actually benefit us. Additionally, clutter makes your house look dated and cramped. Donate those age-old knick knacks and thingamajigs and start fresh. It is important to fill your home with things that bring up your energy, make you feel good and inspire you. So, in 2021, only buy something if meets those criteria.

2. Prepare for Guests

Family and friends are so incredibly important. Invest the time in re-inventing and optimizing your space for guests this year. A nice kitchen remodel or living room makeover could be just the ticket. Your interior decor can really benefit from the fresh, green energy of adding some beautiful plants to your space. Plus, it will make guests (and you) feel instantly at peace. Also, prep your space for conversation. Rearrange some furniture so not EVERYTHING is facing the television.

3. Be Different!

Lastly, life’s too short not to have a little FUN! This year, opt to make more chances with color, patterns, and accessories. Step out of your comfort zone and be bold. The best way is to change up your current color palette. Add splashes of color and accessories that inspire you, make you happy or bring back your sense of wonder and imagination. Because being conventional is so 2014. Instead, make your place a work a vibrant work of art, a window to your soul.

Remodeling for the New Year can be a lot harder than sometimes depicted on HGTV. So, if you have a home in central New Jersey area that could use some fabulously glamorous interior design work, contact us. Find us in or feel free to call! +1 908.451.5357

Cheers to an inspiring New Year!

Patricia Kraisman


+1 908.451.5357

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